Revolutionary Love: An Interview with George Katsiaficas

Recent Campus Occupations: History Repeated
There is much of the current protest movement that is new, yet the way in which it suddenly arose and became widespread has a remarkable similarity to the 1970 nationwide university strike in the United States.

Our Spies and Theirs: The Real Donald Gregg
In Gwangju, 31-year CIA man Donald Greg became the subject of scrutiny and debate. Some believe that he is a trustworthy source, and they invited him to speak at a U.N. conference. As a former high-ranking US government official, Gregg is thought to be a trustworthy informant. This past month, I have taken closer look at Gregg’s record, and it is much worse than I thought.

Boston protests "Less Lethal" weapons that killed an innocent student
Open Letter to the Sierra Club in light of Israel Trips
My resignation from Sierra Club as protest against their trips to Israel

Secretly and Unjustly Executed in Myanmar: My Friend “Jimmy” Kyaw Min Yu, Pride of the 8888 Generation
On July 23, 2022, the military in Myanmar secretly executed four leaders of the country’s freedom movement. The martyrs’ families, like the men themselves, were not given advance notice. Only after the dictatorship publicly announced the hangings two days later, on Monday, July 25, did the families and the world learn about these cold-blooded murders.
Questions Asked by a Kurdish Comrade
Some Thoughts on the End of the Anti-CIA Coalition at UCSD, 1976
La Izquierda Extraparlamentaria en Europa
Union Struggle at ABC Cab in Ocean Beach, California
Ageism and the Status of Youth
The modern conception of youth as well as the contemporary treatment of young people are socially conditioned as much as they are determined by biological fact. Although not generally understood as a structure of oppression and exploitation, young people in most societies of the world are compelled to work for less money, sometimes no money, or confined to menial jobs and increasingly irrelevant educations. In the United States, there are more young people working for fast food industry then there are coal miners.
The Meaning of May 1968
Analysis of the student inspired general strike of more than 9 million workers in France.
The Extraparliamentary Left in Europe
After living in Berlin from 1981 to 1983 and traveling extensively in the region, I was able to summarize some of the important movement centers. In Switzerland, Holland, and Denmark, youth movements in the early 1980s were especially militant and focused on building revolutionary impetus.
Hippies and the Left
With the emergence of 1960s movements and the counterculture, most leftists consider themselves superior to the emergent movements focused on transformation of everyday life. This letter to Monthly Review sought to remedy that situation.
Torture in Israeli Prisons
At the time of the first intifada in Palestine, few Americans understood the dire straits in which Palestinians were compelled to live. Especially harsh were (and are) the conditions endured by thousands of prisoners. This article led to knee-jerk responses from the Israeli consulate in Boston as well as other pro-Israel institutions. My response to them exposed the bankruptcy of their positions.
Self-Destruction of Sri Lanka

Aesthetic and Political Avant-Gardes
Avant-garde refers to people seeking to transform aesthetic and political developments in society. The tension between the political and the aesthetic in avant gardes is significant and valuable; political activists can learn a great deal from the impact of aesthetic movements.