Boston protests "Less Lethal" weapons that killed an innocent student
Open Letter to the Sierra Club in light of Israel Trips
My resignation from Sierra Club as protest against their trips to Israel
Questions Asked by a Kurdish Comrade
Some Thoughts on the End of the Anti-CIA Coalition at UCSD, 1976
Union Struggle at ABC Cab in Ocean Beach, California
Hippies and the Left
With the emergence of 1960s movements and the counterculture, most leftists consider themselves superior to the emergent movements focused on transformation of everyday life. This letter to Monthly Review sought to remedy that situation.
Torture in Israeli Prisons
At the time of the first intifada in Palestine, few Americans understood the dire straits in which Palestinians were compelled to live. Especially harsh were (and are) the conditions endured by thousands of prisoners. This article led to knee-jerk responses from the Israeli consulate in Boston as well as other pro-Israel institutions. My response to them exposed the bankruptcy of their positions.

Aesthetic and Political Avant-Gardes
Avant-garde refers to people seeking to transform aesthetic and political developments in society. The tension between the political and the aesthetic in avant gardes is significant and valuable; political activists can learn a great deal from the impact of aesthetic movements.
Why I Refused to Attend my 50th MIT Class Reunion
Revolutionary Peoples’ Constitutional Convention 1970
In September 1970, more than 10,000 people converged in a rainbow of constituencies organized by the Black Panther Party to write a new constitution for the US. These are the original documents approved by the workshops.
Interview with Muhammad Ali 1973
Universal Grammar of Insurgencies
From Autonomen to Antifa
Thank You Barack Obama for Showing Us That Peace is War
Afterword To Panther Vision: Essential Party Writings and Art of Kevin Rashid Johnson
Zuccotti Park Talk
U.S. human rights policy is self-serving and duplicitous
My Lawsuit against the CIA: Did the US Orchestrate the Assassination of S. Korean President Park in 1979?
On March 4, 2010 I filed FOIA requests with the CIA for information on US involvement in the assassination of South Korean President Park Chung-hee. After years of litigation, federal courts threw the suit out. Here are documents related to it.