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Συνέντευξη του George Katsiafikas στον Π.Παπαδημητρόπουλο
O George Katsiaficas
Η Επίδραση Του Έρωτα
Αυθόρμητη Ανάφλεξη

There is much of the current protest movement that is new, yet the way in which it suddenly arose and became widespread has a remarkable similarity to the 1970 nationwide university strike in the United States.
Yoon Sang-won is rightly remembered for his courage, for his tenacious organizing ability, for his dedication and selflessness, and especially for his willingness to fight until the end. Sadly, when only 29-years-old. He resisted the military dictatorship to his last breath.
In his later work, Marcuse concerned himself with the nexus between social movements and unconscious dimensions of human nature. He understood Nature (including instincts) as an “ally” in the revolutionary process. In this paper, I seek to explore his insight through the concept of the "eros effect,"